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Bookmark Anatomy

How to Design a Bookmark with right Bookmark Anatomy

Bookmark is a piece of card that gets shape with your creative ideas that indicate  reader’s position in a book, magazine or notepad. It can customised to many shapes and flavors depending on usage and thinking To design the bookmark it is important to understand Bookmark Anatomy A Bookmark Anatomy has 4 major parts Body: […]

Bookmarks Printing Melbourne

10 Types of Bookmarks to help your showcase your Message

Bookmark is a piece of card that get shape with your ideas and designs to indicate the reader’s position in a book, magazine or notepad. It can customised to many shapes and flavors depending on usage and thinking Bookmarks can be categorised into 10 basic types Christmas Bookmark Sports Bookmark Funeral Bookmark Thank You Bookmark […]

Funeral Bookmarks

Custom Laminated Funeral Bookmarks – How It Works?

A funeral provides an opportunity for friends and family members to honor their loved ones. At a time like this, a funeral bookmark can be a great keepsake for everyone who knows the deceased. However, it can get difficult to plan everything perfectly when it comes to the final send-off. That’s why, a better option […]